"Journaling for Mental Health Awareness: Tips and Prompts | KUMA Stationery Crafts"
by Mea (co-founder of KUMA)
part one of our Mental Health Awareness Month Blog Series
Introduction to Mental Health Awareness
Mental health awareness is the act of raising awareness about mental illness, as well as educating people on how to better support those who are affected by it.
As a society, we're becoming more aware of the importance of mental health. However, there's still a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness and its treatment--especially when it comes to talking about these issues with others.
This article will cover some basic information about mental health awareness and provide tips for journaling your way through difficult times.

Mental Health Awareness on Instagram
Instagram is a great platform for mental health awareness. There are many hashtags you can use to spread awareness and support, including:
Journaling and Mental Health
Journaling is a great way to manage stress and anxiety, as well as other mental health issues. It's also been shown to increase self-awareness and improve emotional intelligence in people who do it regularly.
Here are some tips for getting started with journaling:
● Set aside time each day for writing in your journal (for example, after dinner). If you have trouble finding the time or energy to write during the day, try setting aside one evening per week when all distractions are eliminated so that your mind can focus on nothing but your thoughts and feelings.
● Write about anything that comes up--your day at work or school; what happened at home; an interaction with another person; an experience from childhood...anything! The more honest and open-minded you are about what goes on inside of yourself right now, the better equipped we'll be later when it comes time for reflection over past events or experiences.
Journaling on Instagram
If you're looking for a place to start, here are some popular hashtags that might inspire you:
If you're not sure what kind of journaling would work best for your needs, try searching these hashtags and see what comes up. You'll find all sorts of different styles and approaches--and maybe even some people who share similar interests!
Journaling Tips
● Get started with journaling
If you're new to journaling, start with a small notebook and pen. The goal here is simply to get into the habit of writing down your thoughts every day, so pick up whatever feels right for you!
● Be consistent
The most important thing when it comes to mental health awareness through journaling? Consistency! It's easy for even the most dedicated writers among us to fall out of practice from time-to-time; but if we stick with our journals consistently over time and keep building on our progress each day, then before long we'll find ourselves feeling more connected with ourselves than ever before because now those feelings have somewhere safe where they can go without fear of judgment or criticism from others around us who might not understand what it means when someone says "I'm anxious today" versus "I'm depressed today."

Types of Journals
There are many different types of journals. It's important to know what type of journaling style you're most comfortable with, as this will help ensure that your writing is effective and fulfilling.
● A daily journal: This type of journal is ideal for recording events from the day, including thoughts and feelings about them. It can also be used to reflect on past events or future goals.
● A gratitude journal: This type of journal focuses on being thankful for things in your life that make it special--such as friends, family members or pets--and can be done daily or weekly depending on how much time you have available for writing each day/weekend! Gratitude journals have been shown in studies to improve moods by increasing positive emotions like joy while lowering negative ones like sadness or anger among those who write them regularly over time.
Journaling Prompts
Journaling is an amazing way to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper. It can be easy to forget that you have a brain, or that it's capable of doing anything other than thinking about what happened yesterday or tomorrow. But when we write down our thoughts, we give our brains permission to explore new places and come up with ideas we never would have thought of before!
Here are some journaling prompts that might help:
● What am I grateful for today?
● If I could change one thing about my life right now (or even in general), what would it be? And why?
● What do I want my legacy to be when I'm gone? How will people remember me after I die/leave this earth/move away from them forever because they don't like me anymore?

Journaling Supplies
At Kuma Stationery Crafts, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality pens and journals to help our customers document their thoughts and experiences. Our selection of pens includes a variety of colors, sizes, and styles, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Whether you prefer a classic gel pen or brush pens, we have you covered. Our journals are also top-notch, with options ranging from vegan leather notebooks to linen hardcovers. Whether you're looking for a personal journal or a planner to keep you organized, our selection is sure to satisfy. At Kuma Stationery Crafts, we believe that writing should be a pleasurable experience, and we strive to provide the best tools to make that possible.
Journaling Challenges
Journaling challenges are a great way to get started and stay motivated. They can also be a lot of fun, and the more you participate in them, the more you'll grow as a writer.
Here is an idea for writing challenges:
● Write every day for 30 days straight (or longer).
This is one of my favorite challenges because it helps me keep up with my journaling routine without having to think about it too much--I don't have to worry about what I'm going to write or whether I have time or energy on any given day; all I have to do is sit down at my desk with my pen and paper (or laptop) and start writing whatever comes into my head! If this sounds daunting at first glance, don't worry--you can always break up the challenge into smaller chunks by doing 15 days straight followed by 15 off before starting again; this will give yourself plenty of time between sessions so that even if something comes up unexpectedly during those 30 days (like getting sick), there won't be any pressure from having missed several days already!
● Mental health awareness is important.
● Journaling can be beneficial for your mental health.
● It's important to take care of yourself and your needs, especially when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.