"3 ways to bullet journal to improve your mental health" by @raffie_journal
Hello everyone! My name is Rafaela and I’m the person behind @raffie_journal
instagram account. I started bullet journaling in August 2019 when I saw some
amazing spreads on Pinterest and Instagram that captured my attention.
always been fascinated by notebooks, planners and of course stationery so
making my own personalized planner spoke into my heart!
Since starting my bullet journaling journey 3 years ago, my art style has
changed and evolved along the way.
However, one thing remains the exact
same: the positive effect that bullet journaling has had on my mental health.
I’m going to share with you 3 ways you can bullet journal to improve your
mental wellbeing.

1. Brainstorming
Getting your thoughts out of your head and put them down onto paper can be
a very effective way of relieving stress and anxiety. Using your bujo as a diary
allows you to process thoughts and emotions better.
You get to know yourself
by revealing your most private fears, thoughts, and feelings. Try to relate
events in your day to how they made you feel. This really can help you identify
trends in your behavior and how those impact your mental health. Look at
your writing time as your personal relaxation time with a cup of tea and be
sure that you’re doing something good for your mind and body!

2. Keep track of your mood and habits
A mood tracker is a great way to have a very quick daily check-in with yourself.
It’s a page in your bullet journal that allows you to track whether you are
feeling happy, sad, tired, angry, bored etc.
You can create a monthly mood
tracker by writing down the days of the month, add a color key with the moods
you want to track, then fill it in each day.
As for the habit tracker, you can
colour in the days you complete in each habit you’re tracking. You can track
things like water intake, exercise, eating healthy, studying, reading books etc.
So tracking your progress can keep you motivated and reduce anxiety.

3. Enjoy your journal
Bullet journaling is so enjoyable and sustainable because it is completely
customisable, and it can evolve along with you. There are no rules about how
to use a bullet journal or any other kind of notebook, yet there can
be a pressure to make it super artistic, super productive etc. But in reality, you
don’t need to be perfect, nobody is perfect after all, and your journal won’t be
always perfect.
Believe me, it only needs to be functional and helpful for daily
life and mainly make you happy because your notebook should reduce your
stress, not add to it.
So, do whatever you want with it and express yourself! If
you’re a minimalist, enjoy your plain black pen and little doodles. If you love
stickers and washi tape, please release that beast!
If you love drawing and
painting, incorporate it into your spreads. Whatever you do, enjoy it, because
doing something you enjoy is a sure way to improve your mental wellbeing,

I hope this guide will help you in your bullet journal journey and inspire you to
start your own journal if you haven’t already. And remember to do it for
yourself and in your own special way!
For more bujo inspiration visit my instagram page:
Also, use my code RAFFIEJOURNAL10 for 10% off in Kuma Stationery Crafts.
Thank you so much for reading,
Best regards,