Tips to Journal every day
Hi! My name is Bibs, I’m a student from Portugal, I have a studygram/journal account! @bibsjournal
When I started journaling one of the biggest problems that I had was that I was constantly starting new journals and stopping one/two weeks after, it took me a long time to finally start enjoying journaling everyday, so I decided to share some tips with you that really helped me <3

1. don’t limit yourself to just writing,
one of the things that I love about journaling is using stickers and cute stationery, you can make pretty collages and draws that will make your journal experience more personal
2. take your journal everywhere
Sometimes you are in a line, or alone in a coffee shop and instead of taking out your phone you can create the habit of journaling between this short periods of time!

3. journal everyday at the some time.
It’s the easiest way to create a new routine, some people prefer to journal in the morning, I only journal at the end of my day, look at your schedule and find 5 minutes a day to journal everyday at the same time
4.be kind with yourself.
Stop comparing yourself with other people! A journal is a really personal and unique place, the best thing about is that is a place where you can express yourself without any judgment , so stop expecting your journal to look exactly like the ones you see online

Remember that the most important thing is enjoying journaling! byee👋🏻🤍
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